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About Christ Our Savior Winfield

Our Church's History

We are Christ Our Savior Winfield, a church located in Winfield, Illinois. We offer a Christian worship service in English on Sundays at 9 am and in Spanish at 11 am. Our church's history is rooted in our faith in Jesus Christ, and we are committed to sharing His love and teachings with our community. Our Ministry is developing...We've got History, yeah we've been here since the 70's, But there is more history to be made. Come and see.

Whats Our Approach?

Simple. We start and end with Christ.

Christ Born.

Christ Crucified.

Christ Resurrected.

For You.






Glory to The Triune God. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

What's a Lutheran Church?

We are part of a great body of churches called "The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod". You can always visit www.LCMS.Org for detailed info on our doctrine, beliefs, and FAQ's. 


But in short, We're a Christian Church thats got a rich history,

profound theology based only on scripture,

and we strive be a diverse/multi-cultural church. 

Come as you are. 

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Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church,  0s501 Summit Drive. Winfield, IL 60190  |  |  Tel: 630-665-5110


 Office Hours: Wed: 8am-3pm,​​ ​Sunday: 9am-12pm

Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church is a proud member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

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